If you can safely evacuate, you should do that.

If you cannot safely evacuate, Stay in Place and use the following protocol to get assistance evacuating:

  • Close the door to the space you are in or move to a space where you can close the door
  • Use a phone to call JHU security at 410-516-7777 to report your exact location in the building; this will enable rescue personnel to get assistance to you as quickly as possible
  • If you are with others who can evacuate they should evacuate, report that you are in the building, and provide your location to responders once they are out
  • Stay low and position yourself near the door if you are able to do this
  • Be patient, evacuation rescues can take some time; sprinkler systems and 2 hour fire rated materials are in place throughout the residence halls
  • Never break a window since that could prevent you from closing it if needed
  • Windows can be opened slightly if fresh air is needed, but be prepared to close it to prevent smoke from coming in
  • Refrain from opening the door once closed; before opening any doors, touch them to make sure the door is not hot; avoid opening any door that feels hot

Emergency personnel should be on the scene quickly. Student Disability Services maintains a shared list with Housing and Campus Security with names, residence hall room assignments and contact information for students who may need assistance in evacuating. Please make sure you contact Student Disability Services at your home/primary campus if you want to be added to that list and have not done that already.

Another Resource:

Download and set up the LiveSafe app on your phone; make sure you are connected to Johns Hopkins, indicate your campus or school, and allow the app to share your location. This app can be used to call or message JHU security (call them first if you are in a residence hall and an alarm is sounding), call 911 and/or report a range of safety and security concerns.